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Messages from Beyond the Madness: Almine interviewed by Niels Rouwen

Messages from Beyond the Madness: Almine interviewed by Niels Rouwen Almine

Almine describes her journey beyond creation— how it began and, most importantly, how to go beyond creation and thus become a blessing to all you encounter as you carry within you the remembrance of home and oneness.

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Almine, it is always strange to talk to you—a pleasure, for sure, but strange too. You say you have recently exited the whole game of duality-based creation altogether. Do you have any messages from beyond? What is it like there?

Understand that what I am about to tell you cannot truly be captured in words. It is difficult to explain concepts from a place that has no space and no time. It must be told in stories to find the truth behind the words. Since September of 2011, I have gone into a new place of being. I call it, for lack of better words, “a life of no opposites.” It is beyond anything I have encountered within the dream of duality. It is beyond God consciousness or enlightenment, beyond ascended mastery, and even beyond the stages that lie beyond the realms of ascended mastery. It is in truth beyond any games or developmental stages of the dream. A life of no opposites is outside of creation in the infinite ocean that has no shores, that has no games.
