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The Portal to the Other-Dimensional Reality of Peace

The Portal to the Other-Dimensional Reality of Peace Ataoris through Gilly Wilmot

Let us begin by thinking about the word "flow," about what it means, what it implies. How can this word open something in the soul? Flow is what is happening now — a flow between levels of consciousness. We have to begin with the flow, which then takes on momentum. But all things, all ideas, and all that comes into manifestation begin with flow.

A river flows from the source. An idea flows from the source of a human being's intelligence. It is a word connected very much with beginningness. And surely now there is a pressing need for a beginning — the beginning of a flow that leads to peace, harmony, and balance.

Peace Is Its Own Dimensional Reality

We wish to speak particularly of the flow of peace that can begin within the mind. It cannot begin, nor can it have any momentum, unless there is clarity within the mind about what peace is. How can nations strive for peace and harmony without truly knowing what they are? What does peace mean? How can you flow into peace without really understanding what this quality is?
