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Bending with the Solar Wind

Bending with the Solar Wind Donna Taylor

February brings to mind that often-quoted saying, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the south node, and a solar eclipse all in Aquarius, change of some sort is inevitable. But what kind of change will it be? Change can be beautiful, effortless, and flowing when we’re open and in the zone. When we step into alignment with who we really are, synchronicity takes over, and we no longer have to plan and push and try to make things happen. The right things just naturally happen at the right time with the right people.
This is one potential outcome of the solar eclipse that occurs on February 15 (also a new moon), especially if we’re prepared to let go of something we have outgrown. Also, if we think about what we would like to see or experience in our lives or in the world at large and then make a commitment to expressing that quality or creating the missing element ourselves, then this eclipse is likely to be favorable.
Sometimes, though, eclipses have a tendency to introduce an element of fate, and for people who are born around the end degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus (birthdays around the middle of these months), this is a possibility. The same applies if you have any planets around these degrees, so it helps to know a little bit about your chart for a clearer picture.
